Jonathan Katsidzira
Independent Non-Executive Director

Chartered Accountant (Zimbabwe) – Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe 
Bachelor of Accountancy Degree (UZ)

Jonathan is the current CEO of Guarantee Solar Energy since January 2019 and serves as a non-executive director for ZB Building Society board of directors. He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (UZ) and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountancy of Zimbabwe as well as Trustee, Zimbabwe Association of Pension Funds. Jonathan has over 30 years of experience attained with companies such as Zimre Group (Director, Finance & Corporate Affairs -ZIB 2008 to 2018); Kuchi Holdings (Group Finance Director/Company Secretary 1996 – 2008) and Old Mutual (Internal Audit Manager/Corporate Financial Accountant 1987 – 1996). Jonathan also sits on the board of directors for Crinoline Investments (Pvt) Ltd and Ark Christian College.