To register onto the new platform, please follow the registration steps below:
Click sign-up
Fill in the onboarding template and click register upon completion.
Enter OTP.
After the profile is successfully registered, the system will send you the user ID and one-time password to your registered email or phone number
Enter the credentials received and click login
The system prompts changing the password
What is Cash funeral cover?
The ZB Cash Funeral Plan pays out a lump-sum amount in cash on the death of a registered Member or a registered dependent. The cash is made available, within 24 hours of receiving notification of death, to cover funeral and other related expenses.
One can register up to eight (8) dependents.
The Policy has a waiting period of three months which is not applicable on death happening through an accident.
The Policy will lapse if a premium is not paid within the grace period of one calendar month. However, the policy can be reinstated within six months from the date of lapse subject to terms and conditions.
ZB Life can assist members to obtain funeral and burial services in lieu of a cash payout. We have arrangements in place with a significant number of funeral service providers. The Policy has a free Premium Waiver benefit for a policyholder who is retrenched or suffers disability and can no longer work, for a period not withstanding 6 months.
How to buy shares?
Open a Central Securities Depository Account
Place your order
Deposit funds
How do I join?
ZB invitation to existing customers and potential new customers.
Benefits of becoming a member of Wealth Services
Access to Airport lounges
Road Side Assistance - 2 Vehicles
Simbiso Carrier Guidance - 10% discount
Safeguard Security Services - 10% discount
Credit card with negotiated limit (minimum US$2,000)
Automatic loan/overdraft qualification (US$2,000)
5 x days turnaround on secured loans
Negotiable interest rates –guaranteed 2% discount on computed interest rates
Negotiable higher loan cap-guaranteed 20% higher than applicable cap
Negotiable interest rates on investments-guaranteed 2% of computed interest rates
Personalized financial advisory services
Medical insurance cover
Travel insurance cover
Cash funeral benefit-US$2,000 for principal and 2 dependents