This is a savings product targeted at school going individuals who are between the ages of 16yrs to 26yrs of age, are not formally employed and have proof of studentship.
Junior Stash Account
The account caters for children under the age of 16 who cannot operate an account purely on their own.
Current Account
This a current account into which money is deposited either in USD or ZAR currency.
Heritage Account
The product operates as part of social responsibility and for the convenience of our Senior citizens who are aged 65 years and above.
ZB e-Wallet
ZB e-Wallet is a Cell phone based banking solution that offers customers the ultimate convenience. The ZB e-Wallet platform can be accessed by mobile phone subscribers using either Telecel, Econet or NetOnes lines.
ZB Pauri
This is a convenience card that allows one to transact on their mobile phone instantly after registration. The card costs $10.00 only and can be purchased at any ZB Bank Branch or ZB Pauri Khonapho Agent.
Services Offered
Diaspora Account
This account is specifically designed by ZB, to fulfill the needs and wants of Zimbabweans living and working outside the country.